Elements of Culture - Customs and Traditions

        One element of culture is CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS

Your job as a group is to make a Popplet that teaches the class all about customs and traditions.

Your Popplet must:

  • Provide a kid-friendly definition for custom
  • Provide a kid-friendly definition for tradition
  • Provide examples of customs and traditions. Have the students tell you if it is a custom or tradition

Be creative and have fun. Make sure your Popplet contains at least three pictures and you can explain those pictures. Your group will present your Popplet to the class for a presentation grade. The websites provided below are the only websites you may use for this assignment. You may not copy word for word from any of these websites.

  1. Definition of custom.  (You may use a dictionary)
  1. Define tradition
  1. Provide examples of customs and traditions and their origin